Welcome to the Family
17th July 08, the date when my friend, formally, officially, and legaly became my cousin-in-law.
Suhail got married this day, with my cousin Hasanah bte Khairuddin.
Honestly, I was happy, because one of ikhwah here has joined my big family. And I always think that he would be one of families that could help us run this group for Islam, insyaAllah, with the Prophet's way.
Before, I was jealous, when I heard, that some ikhwah had many ikhwahs in their families, and including ustaz2 mesir (yang mantap2), because they at least must have something to be together with, to be striving with, to be discussed, together, because we know, that we are brothers and ikhwah.
I thanked God, for His plan. He put Suhail (one of my closed friends since years - doing things together, crying together, laughing together) in my big family, I know He knows best. Maybe one or two or more of our family members didn't really agree to this marriage, but sincerely, this is one of the step of tawakkal in dakwah. We may not know what will come, but we put things at its right.
To Suhail, I just hope that you will remain calm and just nice to my cousin and get connected with our family members in Malaysia, insyaAllah.
To my cousin, Hasanah, I just hope that you will be a solehah wife, and will be more understanding to Suhail.
One quote for you two ; Man needs to be understood, and woman needs to be loved. Suhail, don't try to understand her, just love her. Hasanah, don't try to just love him, but understand him is just enough for a man.
Afterall, I hope you two will be forever and hereafter be together, and more important, together in da'wah, which is thing you just agree together.