Alpha To Omega: The Captivity of My Instinct

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Captivity of My Instinct

Kif hal? Kuwais? Good? Hope you all are great and fine.

This writing may be simple as it should be, or be complicated as you would, if you go deep in your own inner self and instinct.

Have you ever heard of divine instinct? it is (I think)..

When you feel you're alone,
It asks you to find someone to be together.

When you feel you're down,
It tells you that you need to get up and look around.

When you think you're right,
It asks you to be humble and don't always think you're right.

When you are wrong,
It tells you that the one who reminds you is your savior.

When you do right things,
It makes you feel the satisfaction in your soul.

When you do wrong things,
It makes you feel uncomfortable in everything you do afterward.

When people go wrong,
It tells you that people are not angels, they make mistakes.

When people go unexpected,
It tells you that people are various.

When everything are in vain,
It tells you there must be something you gain.

When everything are fine,
It tells you there must be something you don't find.

When you're sad,
It tells you there's always a light outside there.

When you're happy,
It reminds you to beware of anything unhappy to occur.

When you see nights,
It tells you tomorrow will always be morning.

When you see things,
It tells you that everything are useful, whatever it is. For God never created things in vain.

To make it simple,
It tells you everything to make you straight and right.
But you have to listen to it, and be positive.

This post may be boring,
But I think it must be something.

It's just good,
As it always be,
For God never make things for bad reason.

Wallahu a'lam.

p/s : Later I will share the stories that really changed my perceptions.


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